
Blessing in disguise!!!

Wow! I cannot believe I have not posted in this long! Ok, well I just thought I would share that I visited http://www.goodyarnkarma.blogspot.com/ and I was supposed to recieve 3 skeins of Jacryl.... but it ended up being 13!!!!!! O my goodness!! Let me see if I can get you a picture....

Ah... camera is outta battery... I will get it up soon!

On the Crafting front... I have not been knitting... rather I have been crocheting out the whazooo!! lol. =] I have made a pair of socks, a dishcloth, a hook holder, and am finishing a placemat which I will share next time I post... Which shall be soon!

I graduated!!! IT is A-M-A-ZING!

Here are two things I have knitted that I had previously took pics of ...

Some green North Country Cotton baby socks made with some green acrylic yarn.

And here is a 1x1 ribbed scarf done in a varigated pink and blue Red Heart yarn.

That's all for now.... Until next time... <3<3=]=]

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